Ghughuti Basuti : A Journey Back Home : Time Machine 1

In January, 2017 , Pandavaas brought us their first creation under the Time Machine Project, a song that continues to touch hearts—“Ghughuti Basuti.”

This timeless piece is based on an old lullaby sung in every household of Uttarakhand for generations. With its soothing melody and heartfelt lyrics, it reminds us of the warmth of home and the innocence of childhood. Pandavaas took this beloved tune, blend with Shri Narendra Singh Negi ji’s song “Syeja Bala” and gave it life with a beautiful story and music that resonate not just with Uttarakhandis in the hills but with those scattered across the world.

Ghughuti Basuti” reflects our lives today—busy, fast, and disconnected. It tells the tale of people chasing material needs yet longing for the peace and happiness of their roots. Through this project, Pandavaas invites us to pause, reflect, and remember where we come from.

This song is more than music; it’s an emotional bridge, a thread tying Uttarakhandis to their heritage. Its simplicity, beauty, and depth make it unforgettable. For those far from home, it’s a reminder of who they are and the love they carry for their homeland.

The Time Machine Project is Pandavaas’s way of preserving Uttarakhand’s soul, reminding us that even in the chaos of life, our roots will always guide us back to peace. “Ghughuti Basuti” is a masterpiece of nostalgia, a song that feels like home.

Revisit it today and let it take you back to the hills, to the memories, and to the love that never fades.

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